Queer Bliss
“I feel so different, so capable, so powerful in ways I didn’t know I could feel.”
— Queer Bliss Workshop Participant
Queer Bliss:
A Spiritual Space for Queer/Trans Folks
Do you believe in your own bliss?
Can you imagine a life where you are rooted in knowing you are safe, protected, and held?
How would life look and feel, if you knew in your bones that you were loved unconditionally? How would that change the way you carried yourself?
Have you explored these questions? What might emerge if you did?
Why Spirituality? Why Now?
Waking up everyday hopeless, depressed, immobilized by how unbelievably bad it all is? Trust me, I get it.
Climate apocalypse, genocide, inflation, more and more racist, homophobic, transphobic crap.
This workshop is designed precisely in this context, to cultivate hope in a moment where it feels impossible to do so.
Queer Bliss is designed to give you the space to imagine what radical hope can do for you, your life, and how you see the world. What would happen if you were able to see the beauty of this world, this life? How would it change you to have faith, to tap into the joy and wonder of your daily existence? Yes, even now!
“I used to not entertain spirituality because of spiritual by-passing. Now, after this course, I see how I can have faith, believe, and be an active agent in my own life.”
— Queer Bliss Workshop Participant
“I feel so much more in my body after taking this course. I just feel safe. Embodied. Like wow. Given the state of our world, that’s just crazy.”
— Queer Bliss Workshop Participant
“Through Queer Bliss, I’ve built a network of tools to entertain my peace, practice mindfulness, & prioritize calmness in my life. I feel so supported and safe.”
— Queer Bliss Workshop Participant
Calm. Confident. Content.
I did not know I could experience these things. In fact, I used to be scared all the damn time. I was anxious, stressed out, hopeless, and burnt out. I doubted myself and felt like I was never good enough. I hated life and I thought life hated me.
But then, I went inward. I found spiritual consciousness and it transformed my entire life, from the inside out. I witnessed my own heart, my beauty, my inner power and now - life is actually quite magical.
This 8 week workshop will be a sacred, small group space to foster a queer/trans spiritual consciousness; one rooted in belief, radical hope and communal dreaming. It will be a powerful venue for collective QT spiritual curiosity, exploration, and discovery.
“I’m so happy in this space. I feel like it’s opened up so much of what has been held inside me for so long.”
— Queer Bliss Workshop Participant
Learn more about Queer Bliss!
8 Week Live Workshop. Held 2x/Year.
Typically held once in Winter (Jan/Feb) and once in Summer (July/August).
All sessions held live via Zoom. Each Queer Bliss session is 2 hours.
Session 1 - Introductions: Building a QT Spiritual Space
Session 2 - Divine Love: A Trans Consciousness Journey
Session 3 - Inner Peace & Mindfulness for the QT Body
Session 4 - Pure Potentiality & Queer Dreaming
Session 5 - Souls, Bodies, Realms, & Connecting Beyond Death
Session 6 - Ancestors & Grounding in Eternity
Session 7 - Surrender & Non-Attachment in Queer Life
Session 8 - Reflections & Ripples: Moving Forward
My hope for this space is to gather a small group of queer/trans folks who wish to explore their spirituality alongside one another. Anyone who identifies as queer, trans, and/or nonbinary and is seeking a collective spiritual space is welcome. This includes anyone who is bisexual, pansexual, poly, nonbinary, genderqueer, genderfluid, gender non-conforming, etc. Feel free to message me if you’re unsure and we can determine if this is the right space for you.
There are no requirements to enroll in this series - but a brief (free) consultation call with the facilitator is necessary. This is to ensure that the program matches expectations.
This workshop including all the materials, readings, and live sessions is offered at a sliding scale: $650-$900. No questions asked. Pay what you can. Income-based recommendations below.
Annual income of $55,000 or less - $650.
Annual income of $95,000 or higher - $900.
Payment plans available upon request.
Enrollment is OPEN!
2025 Dates: 1.12, 1.19, 1.26, 2.2, 2.9, 2.16, 2.23, & 3.2 from 9-11am PST/12-2pm EST via Zoom.
If you’d like to enroll (& enrollment is open), please send me an email or message me on instagram, @drshawndeez.
What are the dates/times of Queer Bliss 2025?
This year’s workshop will be held in Winter 2025 - Sunday mornings in January and February, from 9:00am-11:00am Pacific Time.
The exact dates: January 12, 19, 26, February 2, 9, 16, 23, and March 2nd.
What is the difference between your Trans Joy workshop and Queer Bliss?
Trans Joy is somewhat of an introductory course to Queer Bliss. However, the main difference is in how Queer Bliss is designed to specifically open up space for questions that address the spiritual dimension of our lives: for example, questions of mindfulness, surrender, radical dreaming, and connecting with ancestors.
Trans Joy gets your feet wet, Queer Bliss asks you to jump in!
What can I expect a typical Queer Bliss session to look like?
We gather, arrive as we are, and make space to discuss our spiritual explorations and curiosities. There will be a mixture of quotes from relevant readings, queer/trans stories, reflection questions, group discussion, and creative prompts. Each week’s themes are listed below:
Session 1 - Introductions: Building a QT Spiritual Space
Session 2 - Divine Love: A Trans Consciousness Journey
Session 3 - Inner Peace & Mindfulness for the QT Body
Session 4 - Pure Potentiality & Queer Dreaming
Session 5 - Souls, Bodies, and Realms, & Connecting Beyond Death
Session 6 - Ancestors & Grounding in Eternity
Session 7 - Surrender & Non-Attachment
Session 8 - Reflections & Ripples: Moving Forward
Do you draw from a particular religion?
Simply put, no. This is not a space dedicated to pursuing religion, theology, scripture, or ‘rules’ in any faith.
Spiritual exploration is as infinite in form as there are stars in the sky. I offer my wide array of experience, drawing from my academic, personal, and spiritual experience, to allow you to develop a spirituality practice that works for you.
How many people are allowed to enroll in Queer Bliss?
I envision a small group, anywhere between 4-8 people, joining for Queer Bliss 2025.
Do I need any prior experience to enroll in this workshop?
Absolutely not!
I believe your spirit already possesses all the intuitive knowledge you need to partake in spiritual practice. All you need is the willingness to explore.
What if I have to miss a session or two? Can I still enroll?
Yes, of course. Life is life and sometimes we have to miss a session. If you’re able to join via Zoom from wherever you are, great! If not, I will share the materials with you so you can review at your own time and rejoin the group the following week. Note that refunds or discounts are not offered for missed sessions.
When does enrollment close for Queer Bliss Winter 2025?
Enrollment opens on December 11th and closes January 3rd.
I am hyped! How do I sign up?
Nothing pleases me more than knowing people’s spirits are awakened at the very mention of spiritual exploration. It means your heart is alive in there!
In order to move forward with enrolling, please send me an email for a free initial consultation call (15 min) to make sure this workshop will match your expectations.