A sweet, small group space with other curious souls, my workshops offer you the time and space to discover you, in all your dimensions. I created these workshops after teaching at UCLA, drawing from that knowledge and experience, to provide a different type of space - one where we learn important concepts and ideas, yet where we are primarily focused on expanding our consciousness. My workshops create space for powerful ideas, while also encouraging the presence of your heart and intuition.
Each workshop is designed to hold 4-12 people to foster a more intimate environment. Click on each workshop below to learn more.
“These ideas have been revolutionary for me. Absolutely mind-blowing.”
- Trans Joy Workshop Participant
Trans Joy
Embracing Multitudes
Queer Bliss
“This workshop series reminded me of the sheer beauty and joy of being both queer/trans and Iranian”
— Embracing Multitudes Workshop Participant
“This workshop has been a catalyst for a massive mental shift in my life.”
— Trans Joy Workshop Participant
“My loneliness has shrunk over the last four weeks just hearing real-life stories of other trans and queer Iranians and knowing we all exist so boldly.”
— Embracing Multitudes Workshop Participant
“I don’t think the joy I have now could’ve. been achieved in a traditional therapy session or through my own self work.”
— Trans Joy Workshop Participant
“It was such a beautiful experience to hear others share their internal world - their fears of rejection, their fears of not belonging, their frustrations of not being Iranian enough or not fitting into white QT spaces - and relate so deeply to what every single person was sharing.”
— Embracing Multitudes Workshop Participant
“This workshop was pure magic and guided me toward finding the magic in everyday.”
— Trans Joy Workshop Participant